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Tennessee Musky Guide

Steven Paul
Melton Hill Musky Fishing Guide
Tennessee Muskie Fishing Blog

Get the Most From a Musky Guide Trip
Whether you find yourself interested in landing a new species or fishing an unfamiliar water way, there are several tricks to achieving...
Steven Paul

Fishing Musky Under Pressure
With fall just around the corner, we can all rejoice that these hot and sticky summer temperatures are almost behind us. This transition...
Steven Paul

Weed Bed Tactics Melton Hill Musky & Bass
Weed Bed Fishing Tips for the Summer With summer now in full swing, our local lakes and waterways are starting to reach peak temperatures...
Steven Paul

The Right Fish Finder : TN Musky Fishing
Finding The Finder that works With just a few kilobytes of computational power, the crew of Apollo 11 was able to make their spectacular...
Steven Paul

Fishing The Fall Transition
As we slip into late September, the inevitable truth starts to become clear: Summer is over. The long hot days and balmy nights soon...
Steven Paul

Glide Bait Tactics
Melton Hill Musky Guide Published in the Daily Times As we slip into late September, the inevitable truth starts to become clear: Summer...
Steven Paul

Take a kid fishing !!!!
As my wife sets out on her seemingly endless expeditions across the vast consumer driven plains, I can typically be found loitering in...
Steven Paul

Spring Time Musky / Bass Success
Reeling in Spring Success As spring finally overtakes winter’s seeming endless grasp, and once barren limbs now sway heavy with...
Steven Paul
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